March news

Today is the last day of school for my dau. and then it's spring break! We had wanted to go to Maine for some Lobster since my hubby is taking the week off work too. It didn't work out that way for us though...we decided instead that we would work on daug.'s bedroom. She wants it painted and a window seat made. We want to dress it up for her since she has started spending more time there. She just turned 12. Our baby is growing up so fast...makes me sad in a way. As I said...Time stand still for no one!

I walked 3 days last week...trying to get a little healthier. But then I saw a program on tv about coyotes that scared me a little bit. We have lots of coyotes in the area. I walk my two little dogs..Taffy and Stoney and they are just the right size for a coyote snack.

My Sewing room is a real mess! I have to clean it some before I can work in there. My friend, Jan is coming to spend the night April 16 so we can go to the Rosemont quilt show the next day, so I have to get it cleaned. I will miss the others who came for the show a couple of years, but Jan and I will have a great time and we will meet up with another friend from WI, Fonda. When the girls come here to stay for the quilt show, we usually sew on Fridays. We won't this year, but I still need to clean.... just look at the picture and you'll see what I mean!


  1. THANKS Dianne. love the pics of your sewing area. it makes MY area ALMOST look tidy.. giggle.
    GOOD LUCK with your daughter's room make over.


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